How to reconnect the Evernote integration?

Occasionally, there might be an issue with the connection between your Feedly and Evernote accounts' connection.

Here is the procedure to reset it:

On Web Version

  1. In Settings > Integrations > Click the "Disconnect from Evernote" button.
  2. To make sure you're connecting the right Feedly account to your Evernote, logout and log back in to Feedly.
  3. Once you're logged in to Feedly, go to an article and click the elephant icon to save an article to Evernote. This will prompt a new login authentication screen. Login with your Evernote credentials. You should see all of your notebooks and be able to save new articles.

On mobile app

  1. From the left navigation bar, go to the bottom and tap on "Integrations" > "Disconnect from Evernote".
  2. To make sure you're connecting the right Feedly account to your Evernote, logout and lo back in to Feedly.
  3. Once you're logged in to feedly, go to the bottom and tap on "Integrations".
  4. Tab on "Connect to Evernote".
  5. Login with your Evernote account and Re-authorize the access in the prompt.
  6. You should be able to save articles to Evernote again.

With this, you should be set and able to save from feedly directly to your Evernote notebooks.

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