How can I share to LinkedIn?

Sharing an article to LinkedIn on the web app:
Open any article and click the LinkedIn button - the button is located at the top of the article on the (or in the 3 dots on top right if LinkedIn is not your preferred sharing tool - you can set it up here: or via the Personalize item in the dropdown)
If you are not already logged into LinkedIn, you'll be prompted to log into your LinkedIn account
Once you are logged into LinkedIn, you'll be presented with a standard LinkedIn sharing box.
You can edit the headline and description of the link being shared and add accompanying text and hashtags.
You can also choose to share your link as a post or private message.
Once you've chosen the appropriate options, click the blue 'Post' button to share you link to LinkedIn
Sharing on the mobile app:
Tap the system sharing icon and find LinkedIn in the list of apps to share with and tap on LinkedIn. Choose if you want to share via post or private message, tap the Post button on the top right.

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