Can I mute specific topics?

Are you following a broad source like TechCrunch, Wired, and Forbes but don't care about topics like gaming? You can set up mute filters to remove any articles related to specific topics. Feedly AI has a set of 1000+ pre-trained topics that you can use to clear your feeds.

To mute topics:

  1. Click Train Feedly AI on the top right of your feed
  2. Choose Mute Filters
  3. Type in the topic you'd like to mute
  4. Choose the option with the Cube in front of it in the dropdown (this symbol denotes a smart topic)
  5. Click create

Going forward, any articles in this topic will be removed from your feed. You can always refine or delete this filter via the Train Feedly AI tab on your left side panel if needed.

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